The City of Calgary Community Profiles
Rideau Park
The Community Profiles contain demographic and household information from the 2016 Census of Canada. The data was provided by Statistics Canada, accessed using the Community Data Program, and compiled by The City of Calgary.
Contents |
2016 Census of Canada Snapshot |
1 |
Population and Dwellings |
Families and Households |
Languages |
Immigration and Population Diversity |
Aboriginal identity and languages |
Education |
Employment |
Transportation to Work |
Housing and Mobility |
Income |
Rideau Park Map |
Glossary |
This profile was published in 2019.
Due to rounding, numbers and percentages presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the totals provided.
For more information, visit our webpage or contact
2016 Census of Canada Snapshot
Rideau Park= Calgary=
Population in private households in 2016: |
Population distribution by age in 2016: |
625 |
0-14 years: |
65+ years: |
9% |
26% |
1,222,390 |
19% |
10% |
Per cent households spending 30% or more of total income on shelter in 2016 |
Per cent Immigrants in 2016 |
22% |
15% |
22% |
31% |
Median total household income (before tax) in 2015: |
Per cent individuals who speak English most often at home |
$131,945 |
97% |
$$$ |
A |
文 |
$97,329 |
75% |
Population and Dwellings
Number of persons by age group
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
625 |
100% |
Population in private households |
1,222,390 |
100% |
0 to 14 years |
55 |
9% |
0 to 14 years |
226,285 |
19% |
15 to 64 years |
405 |
65% |
15 to 64 years |
868,220 |
71% |
65 to 84 years |
130 |
21% |
65 to 84 years |
115,985 |
9% |
85 years and over |
30 |
5% |
85 years and over |
11,900 |
1% |
Number of persons by age and sex
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Population in private households |
625 |
320 |
305 |
Population in private households |
1,222,390 |
610,620 |
611,775 |
0-4 |
15 |
10 |
10 |
0-4 |
77,645 |
39,975 |
37,675 |
5-9 |
30 |
20 |
10 |
5-9 |
79,220 |
40,500 |
38,720 |
10-14 |
10 |
10 |
0 |
10-14 |
69,415 |
35,535 |
33,885 |
15-19 |
25 |
15 |
10 |
15-19 |
68,695 |
34,980 |
33,720 |
20-24 |
40 |
25 |
20 |
20-24 |
78,235 |
39,960 |
38,270 |
25-29 |
30 |
20 |
10 |
25-29 |
99,745 |
49,285 |
50,460 |
30-34 |
25 |
0 |
20 |
30-34 |
109,015 |
54,730 |
54,285 |
35-39 |
60 |
25 |
35 |
35-39 |
99,905 |
49,535 |
50,365 |
40-44 |
30 |
20 |
10 |
40-44 |
93,025 |
46,415 |
46,610 |
45-49 |
35 |
20 |
20 |
45-49 |
87,375 |
44,120 |
43,255 |
50-54 |
55 |
25 |
30 |
50-54 |
86,115 |
43,020 |
43,090 |
55-59 |
55 |
35 |
20 |
55-59 |
81,570 |
40,610 |
40,955 |
60-64 |
50 |
20 |
35 |
60-64 |
64,540 |
32,040 |
32,500 |
65-69 |
65 |
30 |
30 |
65-69 |
48,640 |
23,795 |
24,840 |
70-74 |
45 |
20 |
30 |
70-74 |
30,335 |
14,475 |
15,855 |
75-79 |
10 |
10 |
0 |
75-79 |
21,715 |
9,970 |
11,750 |
80-84 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
80-84 |
15,295 |
6,875 |
8,420 |
85-89 |
15 |
20 |
0 |
85-89 |
8,595 |
3,595 |
5,000 |
90-94 |
10 |
0 |
10 |
90-94 |
2,725 |
1,015 |
1,710 |
95-99 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
95-99 |
530 |
170 |
360 |
100 years and over |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100 years and over |
55 |
10 |
50 |
Population pyramid for Rideau
80 to 84
75 to 79
70 to 74
65 to 69
60 to 64
55 to 59
50 to 54
45 to 49
40 to 44
35 to 39
30 to 34
25 to 29
20 to 24
15 to 19
10 to 14
5 to 9
0 to 4
6% 4% 2% 0% 2% 4% 6%
Population pyramid for Calgary
80 to 84
75 to 79
70 to 74
65 to 69
60 to 64
55 to 59
50 to 54
45 to 49
40 to 44
35 to 39
30 to 34
25 to 29
20 to 24
15 to 19
10 to 14
5 to 9
0 to 4
6% 4% 2% 0% 2% 4% 6%
Families and Households
Private households by household size
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Private households |
315 |
100% |
Private households |
446,730 |
100% |
1 person |
140 |
44% |
1 person |
114,225 |
24% |
2 persons |
90 |
29% |
2 persons |
150,820 |
32% |
3 persons |
25 |
8% |
3 persons |
78,420 |
17% |
4 persons |
30 |
10% |
4 persons |
75,340 |
16% |
5 or more persons |
20 |
6% |
5 or more persons |
47,920 |
10% |
2 |
Average household size |
2.6 |
Census families
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
155 |
100% |
Census families |
337,120 |
100% |
Couple families |
160 |
103% |
Couple families |
289,790 |
86% |
W/out children at home |
80 |
52% |
W/out children at home |
126,295 |
37% |
With children at home |
75 |
48% |
With children at home |
163,495 |
48% |
Lone-parent families |
0 |
0% |
Lone-parent families |
47,330 |
14% |
Lone Parent Census Families
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Lone-parent families |
0 |
100% |
Lone-parent families |
47,330 |
100% |
Female lone-parent |
Breakdown of lone parents not available. |
Female lone-parent |
36,955 |
78% |
Male lone-parent |
Male lone-parent |
10,380 |
22% |
Census families
48% 48%
Couples without children
Couples with children
Lone parents
Rideau Park Calgary
Population age 15 and over by marital status
Living common law
Never married
Rideau Park Calgary
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population aged 15 years and older in private households |
570 |
100% |
Population aged 15 years and over in private households |
996,105 |
100% |
Married/common-law |
330 |
58% |
Married/common-law |
592,610 |
59% |
Married |
300 |
53% |
Married |
502,655 |
50% |
Common-law |
30 |
5% |
Common-law |
89,955 |
9% |
Not living with spouse or common-law partner |
240 |
42% |
Not living with spouse or common-law partner |
403,495 |
41% |
Never married |
150 |
26% |
Never married |
289,135 |
29% |
Separated |
10 |
2% |
Separated |
21,770 |
2% |
Divorced |
50 |
9% |
Divorced |
60,705 |
6% |
Widowed |
25 |
4% |
Widowed |
31,880 |
3% |
Knowledge of official languages
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households |
630 |
10% |
Population in private households |
1,222,395 |
100% |
English only |
530 |
85% |
English only |
1,103,085 |
90% |
French only |
0 |
0% |
French only |
1,200 |
0% |
English and French |
95 |
15% |
English and French |
89,005 |
7% |
Neither English nor French |
0 |
0% |
Neither English nor French |
29,095 |
2% |
Per cent of population with knowledge of neither English nor French
Rideau Park 0%
Languages spoken most often at home (Top 5)
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households |
625 |
100% |
Population in private households |
1,222,395 |
100% |
English |
605 |
97% |
English |
920,555 |
75% |
French |
10 |
2% |
French |
7,565 |
1% |
10 |
2% |
Non-official language |
210,090 |
17% |
Breakdown of languages is not available. |
Punjabi (Panjabi) |
26,865 |
2% |
Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) |
22,570 |
2% |
Cantonese |
22,415 |
2% |
Mandarin |
20,525 |
2% |
Spanish |
16,450 |
1% |
Multiple languages |
15 |
2% |
Multiple languages |
84,185 |
7% |
Mother tongue (Top 5)
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households |
625 |
100% |
Population in private households |
1,222,395 |
100% |
English |
560 |
90% |
English |
803,135 |
66% |
French |
20 |
3% |
French |
18,185 |
1% |
Non-official language |
40 |
6% |
Non-official language |
362,855 |
30% |
Cantonese |
10 |
2% |
Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) |
38,685 |
3% |
Dutch |
10 |
2% |
Punjabi (Panjabi) |
35,780 |
3% |
Afrikaans |
10 |
2% |
Cantonese |
34,020 |
3% |
Polish |
10 |
2% |
Mandarin |
27,845 |
2% |
Spanish |
26,680 |
2% |
Multiple responses |
0 |
0% |
Multiple responses |
38,220 |
3% |
Per cent speaking a language other than English most often at home
Rideau Park
Per cent with a language other than English as their mother tongue
Rideau Park
Knowledge of Non-Official Languages (Top 5)
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households |
630 |
100% |
Population in private households |
1,222,390 |
100% |
Spanish |
30 |
5% |
Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) |
55,265 |
5% |
German |
25 |
4% |
Spanish |
48,675 |
4% |
Persian (Farsi) |
15 |
2% |
Punjabi (Panjabi) |
47,140 |
4% |
Russian |
15 |
2% |
Cantonese |
42,445 |
3% |
Polish |
15 |
2% |
Mandarin |
38,800 |
3% |
Immigration, and Population Diversity
Immigrant Status and Year of Immigration
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households |
625 |
100% |
Population in private households |
1,222,390 |
100% |
Non-immigrants |
530 |
85% |
Non-immigrants |
813,465 |
67% |
Immigrants |
95 |
15% |
Immigrants |
383,080 |
31% |
Before 1981 |
60 |
10% |
Before 1981 |
63,920 |
5% |
1981 to 1990 |
15 |
2% |
1981 to 1990 |
38,270 |
3% |
1991 to 2000 |
10 |
2% |
1991 to 2000 |
64,820 |
5% |
2001 to 2005 |
0 |
0% |
2001 to 2005 |
56,835 |
5% |
2006 to 2010 |
0 |
0% |
2006 to 2010 |
69,570 |
6% |
2011 to 2016 |
20 |
3% |
2011 to 2016 |
89,665 |
7% |
Non-permanent residents |
0 |
0% |
Non-permanent residents |
25,850 |
2% |
Immigrant status
Non-permanent residents
Rideau Park Calgary
Year of immigration of immigrants
Before 1981
1981 to 1990
1991 to 2000
2001 to 2010
2011 to 2016
Rideau Park Calgary
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households |
625 |
100% |
Population in private households |
1,222,395 |
100% |
Canadian citizens |
600 |
96% |
Canadian citizens |
1,075,470 |
88% |
Not Canadian citizens |
30 |
5% |
Not Canadian citizens |
146,925 |
12% |
Continent and country of birth of immigrants (Top 5 countries)
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Immigrant population in private households |
95 |
100% |
Immigrant population in private households |
383,080 |
100% |
By continent |
By continent |
Americas |
35 |
37% |
Americas |
41,010 |
11% |
Europe |
30 |
32% |
Europe |
72,985 |
19% |
Africa |
10 |
11% |
Africa |
39,220 |
10% |
Asia |
20 |
21% |
Asia |
226,330 |
59% |
Oceania and other |
0 |
0% |
Oceania and other |
3,535 |
1% |
By country |
By country |
United States |
35 |
37% |
Philippines |
51,545 |
13% |
South Africa |
10 |
11% |
India |
44,365 |
12% |
United Kingdom |
10 |
11% |
China |
34,550 |
9% |
Russian Federation |
10 |
11% |
United Kingdom |
22,150 |
6% |
Poland |
10 |
11% |
Pakistan |
17,115 |
4% |
Place of birth of immigrants for Rideau Park
Oceania 0%
and other 0%
All immigrants Recent immigrants
Place of birth of immigrants for Calgary
Oceania 1%
and other 1%
All immigrants Recent immigrants
Continent of birth of recent immigrants (immigrated to Canada between 2011 and 2016)
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Recent immigrant population in private households |
20 |
100% |
Recent immigrant population in private households |
89,660 |
100% |
By Continent |
By Continent |
Americas |
15 |
75% |
Americas |
8,735 |
10% |
Europe |
0 |
0% |
Europe |
8,680 |
10% |
Africa |
0 |
0% |
Africa |
11,600 |
13% |
Asia |
10 |
50% |
Asia |
59,915 |
67% |
Oceania and other |
0 |
0% |
Oceania and other |
735 |
1% |
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Immigrant population in private households who landed between 1980 and 2016 |
40 |
100% |
Immigrant population in private households who landed between 1980 and 2016 |
325,395 |
100% |
Economic immigrants |
25 |
63% |
Economic immigrants |
184,255 |
57% |
Immigrants sponsored by family |
10 |
25% |
Immigrants sponsored by family |
92,160 |
28% |
Refugees |
10 |
25% |
Refugees |
46,260 |
14% |
Other immigrants |
0 |
0% |
Other immigrants |
2,720 |
1% |
Immigrant admission category (landed between 1980 and 2016)
Economic Immigrants immigrants sponsored by
Other immigrants
Rideau Park Calgary
Generation status
First generation Second generation Third generation or
Rideau Park Calgary
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households |
625 |
100% |
Population in private households |
1,222,390 |
100% |
First generation |
115 |
18% |
First generation |
417,395 |
34% |
Second generation |
130 |
21% |
Second generation |
264,055 |
22% |
Third generation or more |
380 |
61% |
Third generation or more |
540,945 |
44% |
Visible minority population
Rideau Park
Per cent visible minority
Rideau Park
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households |
625 |
100% |
Population in private households |
1,222,395 |
100% |
Visible minority |
20 |
3% |
Visible minority |
442,610 |
36% |
South Asian |
0 |
0% |
South Asian |
115,835 |
9% |
Chinese |
0 |
0% |
Chinese |
87,835 |
7% |
Black |
0 |
0% |
Black |
51,505 |
4% |
Filipino |
10 |
2% |
Filipino |
67,650 |
6% |
Latin American |
0 |
0% |
Latin American |
26,250 |
2% |
Arab |
10 |
2% |
Arab |
25,200 |
2% |
Southeast Asian |
0 |
0% |
Southeast Asian |
21,615 |
2% |
West Asian |
0 |
0% |
West Asian |
12,610 |
1% |
Korean |
0 |
0% |
Korean |
10,630 |
1% |
Japanese |
0 |
0% |
Japanese |
5,175 |
0% |
Visible Minority, n.i.e. (Not included elsewhere) |
0 |
0% |
Visible Minority, n.i.e. (Not included elsewhere) |
4,410 |
0% |
Multiple visible minorities |
0 |
0% |
Multiple visible minorities |
13,890 |
1% |
Not a visible minority |
605 |
97% |
Not a visible minority |
779,780 |
64% |
South |
Chinese |
Black |
Filipino |
Latin |
Arab |
Southeast |
West |
Korean |
Japanese |
Visible |
Multiple |
Asian |
American |
Asian |
Asian |
minority, |
visible |
n.i.e. |
minorities |
Aboriginal Identity and Languages
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households |
625 |
100% |
Population in private households |
1,222,390 |
100% |
Aboriginal identity |
0 |
0% |
Aboriginal identity |
35,190 |
3% |
Non-Aboriginal identity |
625 |
100% |
Non-Aboriginal identity |
1,187,200 |
97% |
Per cent Aboriginal identity
Rideau Park 0%
Aboriginal group
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Aboriginal identity population in private households |
0 |
100% |
Aboriginal identity population in private households |
35,190 |
100% |
First Nations (North American Indian) |
Aboriginal group breakdown not available. |
First Nations (North American Indian) |
15,500 |
44% |
Metis |
Metis |
18,480 |
53% |
Inuk (Inuit) |
Inuk (Inuit) |
355 |
1% |
Aboriginal responses not included elsewhere |
Aboriginal responses not included elsewhere |
495 |
1% |
Multiple Aboriginal responses |
Multiple Aboriginal responses |
365 |
1% |
Knowledge of Aboriginal Languages (Top 3)
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population in private households with knowledge of an Aboriginal language |
0 |
100% |
Population in private households with knowledge of an Aboriginal language |
1,145 |
100% |
Aboriginal language breakdown not available. |
Blackfoot |
335 |
29% |
Cree, n.o.s.* |
230 |
20% |
Plains Cree |
90 |
8% |
*N.O.S = not otherwise specified.
Highest certificate, diploma or degree
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population aged 15 |
570 |
100% |
Population aged 15 |
996,105 |
100% |
years and over in |
years and over in |
private households |
private households |
No certificate, diploma |
30 |
5% |
No certificate, diploma |
134,640 |
14% |
or degree |
or degree |
High school diploma |
75 |
13% |
High school diploma |
257,250 |
26% |
or equivalent |
or equivalent |
Post-secondary |
460 |
81% |
Post-secondary |
604,215 |
61% |
certificate, diploma or |
certificate, diploma or |
degree |
degree |
Apprenticeship or |
10 |
2% |
Apprenticeship or |
65,520 |
7% |
trades certificate or |
trades certificate or |
diploma |
diploma |
College, CEGEP or |
50 |
9% |
College, CEGEP or |
175,840 |
18% |
other non-university |
other non-university |
certificate or diploma |
certificate or diploma |
University certificate |
15 |
3% |
University certificate |
31,730 |
3% |
or diploma below |
or diploma below |
bachelor level |
bachelor level |
University certificate, |
380 |
67% |
University certificate, |
331,120 |
33% |
diploma or degree at |
diploma or degree at |
bachelor level or |
bachelor level or |
above |
above |
Highest certificate, diploma or degree
3% 3%
No certificate, High school diploma Apprenticeship or diploma or degree or equivalent trades certificate or
College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
University certificate University certificate, or diploma below diploma or degree at
bachelor level
bachelor level or above
Rideau Park Calgary
Labour force status and employment status
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Number |
Population aged 15 years and over in private households |
565 |
Population aged 15 years and over in private households |
996,105 |
390 |
In the labour force |
728,290 |
Employed Unemployed |
335 55 |
Employed Unemployed |
658,970 69,320 |
Not in the labour force |
175 |
Not in the labour force |
267,815 |
69% |
Labour force participation rate |
73% |
59% |
Employment rate |
66% |
Unemployment rate |
14% |
Unemployment rate |
10% |
Labour force status for Rideau Park
Participation rate Employment rate Unemployment
Females Males
Labour force status for Calgary
Participation rate Employment rate Unemployment
Females Males
Labour force status and employment status by sex
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Males |
Females |
Males |
Females |
Population aged 15 years and over in private households |
285 |
285 |
Population aged 15 years and over in private households |
494,610 |
501,495 |
In the labour force |
215 |
180 |
In the labour force |
386,945 |
341,345 |
Employed |
185 |
150 |
Employed |
348,130 |
310,840 |
Unemployed |
30 |
30 |
Unemployed |
38,810 |
30,505 |
Not in the labour force |
70 |
105 |
Not in the labour force |
107,670 |
160,150 |
Labour force participation rate |
75% |
63% |
Labour force participation rate |
78% |
68% |
Employment rate |
65% |
53% |
Employment rate |
70% |
62% |
Unemployment rate |
14% |
17% |
Unemployment rate |
10% |
9% |
Transportation to Work
Mode of transportation to work
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households |
280 |
100% |
Employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households |
611,330 |
100% |
Driver – car, truck or van |
170 |
61% |
Driver – car, truck or van |
434,375 |
71% |
Passenger – car, truck or van |
20 |
7% |
Passenger – car, truck or van |
31,420 |
5% |
Public transit |
35 |
13% |
Public transit |
96,565 |
16% |
Walked |
50 |
18% |
Walked |
30,245 |
5% |
Bicycle |
0 |
0% |
Bicycle |
9,875 |
2% |
Other methods |
0 |
0% |
Other methods |
8,850 |
1% |
Mode of transportation to work
Car, truck, van as a driver
Car, truck, van as a passenger
Public transit
Other method
Rideau Park Calgary
Commuting duration
Less than 15 to 29 30 to 44 45 to 59 60 minutes 15 minutes minutes minutes minutes and over
Rideau Park Calgary
Commuting duration
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households |
280 |
100% |
Employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households |
611,325 |
100% |
Less than 15 minutes |
95 |
34% |
Less than 15 minutes |
105,515 |
17% |
15 to 29 minutes |
115 |
41% |
15 to 29 minutes |
256,765 |
42% |
30 to 44 minutes |
55 |
20% |
30 to 44 minutes |
161,770 |
26% |
45 to 59 minutes |
10 |
4% |
45 to 59 minutes |
50,820 |
8% |
60 minutes and over |
0 |
0% |
60 minutes and over |
36,460 |
6% |
Time leaving for work
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households |
280 |
100% |
Employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households |
611,330 |
100% |
Between 5 a.m and 5:59 a.m. |
10 |
4% |
Between 5 a.m and 5:59 a.m. |
40,190 |
7% |
Between 6 a.m. and 6:59 a.m. |
25 |
9% |
Between 6 a.m. and 6:59 a.m. |
123,770 |
20% |
Between 7 a.m. and 7:59 a.m. |
105 |
38% |
Between 7 a.m. and 7:59 a.m. |
180,205 |
29% |
Between 8 a.m. and 8:59 a.m. |
65 |
23% |
Between 8 a.m. and 8:59 a.m. |
108,925 |
18% |
Between 9 a.m. and 9:59 a.m. |
55 |
20% |
Between 9 a.m. and 9:59 a.m. |
67,245 |
11% |
Between 12 p.m. and 4:59 p.m. |
15 |
5% |
Between 12 p.m. and 4:59 p.m. |
90,995 |
15% |
Time leaving for work
Between 5 a.m.
and 5:59 a.m.
Between 6 a.m.
and 6:59 a.m.
Between 7 a.m.
and 7:59 a.m.
Between 8 a.m.
and 8:59 a.m.
Between 9 a.m.
and 11:59 a.m.
Between 12 p.m.
and 4:59 a.m.
Rideau Park Calgary
Housing tenure
Rideau Park Calgary
Housing and Mobility
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Private households |
310 |
100% |
Private households |
466,730 |
100% |
Owner households |
250 |
81% |
Owner households |
333,455 |
71% |
Renter households |
55 |
18% |
Renter households |
133,275 |
29% |
Housing affordability (shelter-cost-to-income ratio)
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Private households with income |
315 |
100% |
Private households with income |
464,360 |
100% |
Households spending less than 30% of total income on shelter |
240 |
76% |
Households spending less than 30% of total income on shelter |
361,070 |
78% |
Households spending 30% or more of total income on shelter |
70 |
22% |
Households spending 30% or more of total income on shelter |
103,295 |
22% |
Per cent spending 30 per cent or more on shelter costs
Rideau Park
Shelter cost
Owned dwellings, median Rented dwellings, median monthly shelter costs monthly shelter costs
Rideau Park Calgary
Housing affordability for renter and owner households
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Owner |
Renter |
Owner |
Renter |
Private households with total income greater than zero |
255 |
60 |
Private households with total income greater than zero |
333,455 |
133,275 |
Per cent households with income spending 30% or more total income on shelter |
22% |
0% |
Per cent households with income spending 30% or more total income on shelter |
17% |
37% |
Median monthly shelter costs |
$1,666 |
$1,450 |
Median monthly shelter costs |
$1,589 |
$1,308 |
% with mortgage |
49% |
– |
% with mortgage |
67% |
– |
% in subsidized housing |
– |
0% |
% in subsidized housing |
– |
10% |
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Occupied private dwellings |
315 |
100% |
Occupied private dwellings |
466,730 |
100% |
Regular maintenance or minor repairs needed |
305 |
97% |
Regular maintenance or minor repairs needed |
446,630 |
96% |
Major repairs needed |
10 |
3% |
Major repairs needed |
20,105 |
4% |
Per cent housing requiring major repairs
Rideau Park
Per cent housing not suitable
Rideau Park
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Private households |
315 |
100% |
Private households |
466,730 |
100% |
Suitable |
305 |
97% |
Suitable |
444,440 |
95% |
Not suitable |
0 |
0% |
Not suitable |
22,295 |
5% |
Dwellings by period of construction
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Occupied private dwellings |
310 |
100% |
Occupied private dwellings |
466,730 |
100% |
1960 or before |
215 |
69% |
1960 or before |
46,475 |
10% |
1961 to 1980 |
45 |
15% |
1961 to 1980 |
136,555 |
29% |
1981 to 1990 |
20 |
6% |
1981 to 1990 |
60,930 |
13% |
1991 to 2000 |
15 |
5% |
1991 to 2000 |
73,405 |
16% |
2001 to 2005 |
10 |
3% |
2001 to 2005 |
52,470 |
11% |
2006 to 2010 |
0 |
0% |
2006 to 2010 |
50,135 |
11% |
2011 to 2016 |
15 |
5% |
2011 to 2016 |
46,755 |
10% |
Dwellings by structure type
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Occupied private dwellings |
315 |
100% |
Occupied private dwellings |
466,725 |
100% |
Single-detached house |
115 |
37% |
Single-detached house |
262,965 |
56% |
Semi-detached house or duplex |
0 |
0% |
Semi-detached house or duplex |
50,880 |
11% |
Semi-detached |
0 |
0% |
Semi-detached |
29,295 |
6% |
Duplex |
0 |
0% |
Duplex |
21,585 |
5% |
Row house |
25 |
8% |
Row house |
44,705 |
10% |
Apartment |
175 |
56% |
Apartment |
105,890 |
23% |
Less than 5 storeys |
0 |
0% |
Less than 5 storeys |
72,880 |
16% |
5 storeys or more |
175 |
56% |
5 storeys or more |
33,010 |
7% |
Other dwelling |
0 |
0% |
Other dwelling |
2,295 |
0% |
Dwellings by period of construction
1960 or before
1961 to 1980
1981 to 1990
1991 to 2000
2001 to 2005
2006 to 2010
2011 to 2016
Rideau Park Calgary
Dwelling structure type
Single-detached house
Semi-detached 0%
house or duplex 11%
Row house
Other dwelling 0%
Rideau Park Calgary
Mobility status 1 year ago
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population aged 1 year and over in private households |
620 |
100% |
Population aged 1 year and over in private households |
1,207,055 |
100% |
Non-movers |
565 |
91% |
Non-movers |
1,015,135 |
84% |
Movers |
55 |
9% |
Movers |
191,915 |
16% |
Non-migrants |
55 |
9% |
Non-migrants |
143,215 |
12% |
Migrants |
0 |
0% |
Migrants |
48,700 |
4% |
Internal migrants |
0 |
0% |
Internal migrants |
28,085 |
2% |
External migrants |
0 |
0% |
External migrants |
20,615 |
2% |
Per cent who moved in the last year
Rideau Park
Per cent who moved in the last 5 years
Rideau Park
Mobility status 5 years ago
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Population aged 5 years and over in private households |
605 |
100% |
Population aged 5 years and over in private households |
1,144,745 |
100% |
Non-movers |
360 |
60% |
Non-movers |
616,155 |
54% |
Movers |
245 |
40% |
Movers |
528,590 |
46% |
Non-migrants |
185 |
31% |
Non-migrants |
331,630 |
29% |
Migrants |
65 |
11% |
Migrants |
196,965 |
17% |
Internal migrants |
45 |
7% |
Internal migrants |
109,735 |
10% |
External migrants |
20 |
3% |
External migrants |
87,225 |
8% |
Median household and individual income before tax in 2015
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Number |
Median income of population aged 15 years and over |
$70,569 |
Median income of population aged 15 years and over |
$43,251 |
Male |
$95,211 |
Male |
$52,634 |
Female |
$62,289 |
Female |
$35,395 |
Median household income of private households |
$131,945 |
Median household income of private households |
$97,329 |
Total household income groups in 2015 for private households
Rideau Park |
Calgary |
Number |
Per cent |
Number |
Per cent |
Private households |
315 |
100% |
Private households |
466,730 |
100% |
Under $20,000 |
30 |
10% |
Under $20,000 |
26,015 |
6% |
$20,000 to $39,999 |
15 |
5% |
$20,000 to $39,999 |
49,120 |
11% |
$40,000 to $59,999 |
20 |
6% |
$40,000 to $59,999 |
54,920 |
12% |
$60,000 to $79,999 |
45 |
14% |
$60,000 to $79,999 |
56,565 |
12% |
$80,000 to $99,999 |
20 |
6% |
$80,000 to $99,999 |
53,040 |
11% |
$100,000 to $124,999 |
30 |
10% |
$100,000 to $124,999 |
56,105 |
12% |
$125,000 to $149,999 |
15 |
5% |
$125,000 to $149,999 |
42,765 |
9% |
$150,000 to $199,999 |
20 |
6% |
$150,000 to $199,999 |
54,725 |
12% |
$200,000 and over |
125 |
40% |
$200,000 and over |
73,475 |
16% |
Median total income in 2015
Rideau Park Calgary
Household income
Under $50,000
$50,000 to $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999
$150,000 to $199,999
$200,000 and over
Rideau Park Calgary
Low Income in 2015 by age
Rideau Park |
Number |
Number in low income |
Per cent in low income |
Population in private households to whom low- income concepts are applicable |
625 |
10 |
2% |
0 to 17 years |
75 |
0 |
0% |
18 to 64 years |
385 |
15 |
3% |
65 years and over |
165 |
0 |
0% |
Calgary |
Number |
Number in low income |
Per cent in low income |
Population in private households to whom low- income concepts are applicable |
1,222,390 |
113,185 |
9% |
0 to 17 years |
267,035 |
33,815 |
13% |
18 to 64 years |
827,470 |
68,025 |
8% |
65 years and over |
127,890 |
11,345 |
9% |
Prevalence of low income by age group (LIM-AT)
0 to 17 years (%) 18 to 64 years (%) 65 years and over
Rideau Park Calgary
Rideau Park Map
The definitions in this glossary are adapted from the 2016 Statistics Canada Census Dictionary (98-301-X).
Refers to whether a person reported being at least one of the following:
Adjusted after-tax income |
Refers to after-tax income during the income reference year that has been adjusted to account for household size. Adjustments for household size reflect the fact that a household’s needs increase as the number of members increase, although not necessarily by the same proportion per additional member. For the census, this adjustment is calculated by dividing the household income by the square root of the household size and assigning this income to each person in the household. Used to determine whether a household is in low income based on the low income measure after-tax (LIM-AT). |
Refers to the name of the immigration program or group of programs under which an immigrant has been granted for the first time the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.
Refers to the age at last birthday before the census reference day, May 10, 2016. |
Refers to the Calgary census subdivision (CSD), as defined by Statistics Canada. Equivalent to the Calgary city limit. |
Refers to a married couple (with or without children), a common-law couple (with or without children), or a lone parent family. A couple may be of same or opposite sex. Grandchildren living with their grandparent(s) but with no parents present also constitute a census family.
Census reference day |
A survey’s reference date is the date to which respondents refer when answering the questions. The 2016 Census reference day was May 10, 2016. |
Refers to the country where the person has citizenship. A person may have more than one citizenship. A person may be stateless, that is, they may have no citizenship. Citizenship can be by birth or naturalization.
Refers to a set of living quarters.
Refers to whether the dwelling is in need of repairs. This does not include remodelling or additions.
Refers to a set of living quarters in which a person or a group of persons reside or could reside. Structure types include:
Refers to whether or not a person’s parents were born in Canada.
Refers to the highest level of education completed based on responses to the educational qualifications questions, which asked for all certificates, diplomas and degrees to be reported. |
Refers to a person or group of persons who occupy the same dwelling and do not have a usual place of residence elsewhere in Canada or abroad. The dwelling may be either a collective dwelling or a private dwelling. The household may consist of a family group such as a census family, of two or more families sharing a dwelling, of a group of unrelated persons or of a person living alone. Household members who are temporarily absent on reference day are considered part of their usual household. |
Refers to the sum of the total income of all household members during 2015. |
Refers to the number of persons in a private household. |
Refers to the proportion of average total household income which is spent on shelter costs. Shelter costs for owner households include, where applicable, mortgage payments, property taxes and condominium fees, along with the costs of electricity, heat, water and other municipal services. For renter households, shelter costs include, where applicable, the rent and the costs of electricity, heat, water and other municipal services. |
Refers to whether a dwelling has enough bedrooms for the size and composition of the household (taking into consideration age, sex and relationship among household members) based on the National Occupancy Standard (NOS) that was developed by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. A household is deemed to be living in suitable accommodation if its dwelling has enough bedrooms, as calculated using the NOS. |
Refers to whether a household rents or owns their private dwelling.
Refers to the year to which respondents refer when answering income-related questions. The census income reference year is the calendar year prior to the census reference day. For the 2016 Census, the income reference year was January 1 to December 31, 2015. |
Refers to languages, other than English or French, in which a person can conduct a conversation. |
Refers to whether the person can conduct a conversation in English only, French only, in both or in neither language. For a child who has not yet learned to speak, this includes languages that the child is learning to speak at home. |
Refers to the total labour force in that group, expressed as a percentage of the total population in that group. |
Labour force refers to persons who, during the employment reference week were either employed or unemployed.
Refers to the language spoken most often at home by the individual. A person can report more than one language as “spoken most often at home” if the languages are spoken equally often. For a person who lives alone, the language spoken most often at home is the language in which he or she feels most comfortable. For a child who has not yet learned to speak, this is the language spoken most often to the child at home. |
Refers to mothers or fathers, with no married spouse or common-law partner present, living in a dwelling with one or more children. |
after-tax (LIM- AT) |
Refers to a dollar threshold that defines low income as half of the median adjusted after- tax income of Canadian households, where “adjusted” indicates that the number of people in a household is taken into account. Persons whose income falls below this amount are considered to be in low income based on LIM-AT. For reference, the LIM-AT threshold for a 1 person household in 2015 was $22,133. |
Refers to the position of a person in relation to the low income measure after-tax (LIM- AT) during the income reference year. Members of a household all share the same income status. |
Refers to the marital status of the person, taking into account his/her common-law status. All persons aged less than 15 are considered as never married and not living common law. Possible marital statuses are:
Refers to the middle dollar value where half of the population earns more and half of the population earns less. |
A number of terms refer to whether a person lived in the same residence on the census reference day as they did on the same date one or five years earlier.
Refers to the main mode of transportation a person uses to travel between his or her home and his or her place of work. Persons who used more than one mode of transportation were asked to identify the single mode they used for most of the travel distance. The question does not measure multiple modes of transportation, nor does it measure the seasonal variation in mode of transportation or trips made for purposes other than the commute from home to work. |
Refers to the first language learned at home in childhood and still understood by the person at the time the data was collected. If the person no longer understands the first language learned, the mother tongue is the second language learned. For a person who learned two languages at the same time in early childhood, the mother tongue is the language this person spoke most often at home before starting school. The person has two mother tongues only if the two languages were used equally often and are still understood by the person. For a child who has not yet learned to speak, the mother tongue is the language spoken most often to this child at home. The child has two mother tongues only if both languages are spoken equally often so that the child learns both languages at the same time. |
Refers to the name of the geographic location where the person was born. The geographic location is specified according to boundaries current at the time the data are collected, not the boundaries at the time of birth. For a breakdown of the countries included in each continent, please refer to the Countries and Areas of Interest for Social Statistics – SCCAI 2016 ( |
Refers to all persons who occupy private dwellings. Excludes persons who occupy collective dwellings. Includes Canadian citizens and landed immigrants whose usual place of residence is Canada. Also includes refugee claimants, holders of work and study permits, Canadian citizens and landed immigrants at sea or in port aboard merchant or government vessels, and Canadian citizens away from Canada on military or diplomatic business. Excludes government representatives and military members of other countries and residents of other countries visiting Canada. |
Refers to income of a regular and recurring nature, including employment income, pension income, investment income, income from government programs, other regular cash income list child support or spousal support payments received during the income reference year. Excludes one-time receipts such as lottery winnings, cash inheritances, lump-sum insurance settlements, tax-free savings account and registered retirements savings plan withdrawals, and capital gains. |
Refers to persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non- white in colour. |
Ward |
Refers to the Calgary ward boundaries. Ward boundaries change regularly. While the number of wards remains relatively static, the geographic area they represent does not. As such, comparisons should not be drawn between wards over time. For the 2016 Census of Canada, 2017 boundaries were used for wards and communities. |